Call it what you want but it’s all the same to me, those annoying intricacies that get in your way and delay the completion of your goal. As a former project manager I know in most cases roadblocks are expected and many are unforeseeable until you hit them. But this little project of ours was intended to be a bonding and learning experience for me and my son not the stress inducing grey hair growing pit of despair that it is starting to resemble. Ok maybe I’m exaggerating a little.
First off we decided to use our older version of the Torque Game Engine version 1.4.2 which we purchased in 2005. I would love to upgrade to the latest and greatest version but it just isn’t in our budget right now.
An upgrade from V1.4.x to V1.5.x = $50.00
An upgrade from V1.4.x to TGEA V1.7.x or 1.8.x = $250.00
There are a lot of excellent resources and code snippets on the Torque forums that users have contributed over the years. The forums were an excellent resource back in 2005 with the 1.4 version but now a lot of the posts are considered old and outdated since the Source code and engine structure among other things have changed so drastically since version 1.4. They are still there, they’re just not updated as frequently or the discussions have changed to “how to implement this for V1.7.1 or higher”. I also seem to run across a lot of functionality that others have requested and tried. There are always a handful of users stating they were successful but no explanation as to exactly how they got it to work. So here I sit with the same compile errors reported in a post from 2007 as a continuously read the multiple threads regarding the same exact functionality without making any progress. So that user that got it to work with TGEA with what he called “slight modifications” may steer me in the right direction right? Well, I wouldn’t know because I only have a license for version 1.4.2 so I cannot access the private forums for the newer versions. I guess I am not worthy until I drop another $250.00.
- Unable to get an accurate crosshair in 3rd person view which shot where the mouse was pointing.
- Unable to get the Advanced Camera resource to work giving us more options for 3rd person view
- Decided to use a melee system & use the default 3rd person camera w/o a crosshair.
(Who needs a crosshair to see what your swinging a sword at right?) - How to load multiple NPC groups into the game without bringing the engine to a crawl.
- How to implement the melee attack system for the NPC’s.
(I’m getting tired of being shot whenever I get close to one of my test characters.)
Here is where we stand:Obstacle: Unable to change default 3rd person cam angle
Road Kill: Advanced Cam resource has multiple old updates and code changes
Detour: Unable to get advanced cam resource to work correctly
Obstacle: 3rd person crosshair remains centered to screen Obstacle
Obstacle: Unable to adjust crosshair for accurate shooting Obstacle
Obstacle: Animated crosshair resource will not compile w/o errors Obstacle
Road Kill: Gave up on 3rd person with crosshair
Detour: Implement Melee System
Obstacle: Melee attack will not attack / swing sword Obstacle
Obstacle: Resolve attack sequence / Change non mobile animation Obstacle
Obstacle: Unable to find resourse to Implement melee for NPC/AI Obstacle
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