Thursday, March 4, 2010

Sunset of the Pwnage Sauce project

Yes, it’s true, I’ve decided to sunset the Pawnage Sauce Project. (Brief moment of silence)
It seems that I now have to face the ugly truth that my soon to be teenage son has so much going on in his busy life that the thought of spending a few hours a week dedicated to a project is just unfathomable. Besides, what was I thinking? There are friends, girls, Myspace, Facebook, Xbox live & more girls. And I expect this 12 yr old to spend 6+ months with his old man in front of a workstation muddling through source code or 3D artwork? So for now, we will sunset the project and revisit it in the near future. After all I do still have my 8 year old. (Evil laugh)
We will however keep the Pwnage Sauce name and parlay it into a few smaller recreational projects such as our gaming merchandise and web cartoon, coming soon.*

I’ll continue to keep this blog and make updates if not weekly at least monthly.

Thank you all for following our progress and I promise to be back with more educational and entertaining entries for your enjoyment.

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